The north face jackets can go to the training

The north face jackets can go to the training of some staff in Sichuan, both in a certain extent, solve the employment problem, but also influence the lives of the rebuilding. Economic Bureau of the responsible person that, Meaning, Sichuan, We chuan County, Li County, North Sichuan, Penghu and other places, the more abundant labor resources, mostly in mountainous or hilly areas, which is known as hard-working virtue. If you can build several workers in the disaster area training base, such as casual pants Industry Association as Christian louboutin bridal a number of young adults affected areas for targeted training, and organize them by stages to the lions enterprise workers, people in disaster areas can not only reduce the employment pressure, increased portion stricken areas of income, but also serious problems in recent years, the lions make business difficult by the relative ease the shortage of workers. End of last month, the first batch lions have accepted more than 100 workers from Sichuan’s “Christian Louboutin Black Leather Patent Pigalle Pumps” County to arrange an electronics company in the lions and a hardware company, the current work in good condition. Recently, the program has made city labor department, will soon organize a number of enterprises to the lions emerging Wenzhou aided counterparts town visits and targeted delivery of the local labor department personnel matters, efforts to implement the employment terms of complementarities and win-win Christian Louboutin Black Satin Peep Toe Pumps situation with the disaster.
Par azhanghuicl le mercredi 09 février 2011


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